Total: 1:42:15
Swim Time: 0:24:34
Bike Time: 0:40:00
Run Time 0:33:40
T1 0:02:10
T2 0:01:51
The first tri swim I did was 800 meters, and I did it in 21:32. The second swim was 1000 meters and I did that in 24:34 minutes. Adjusted for the distance and lack of turn and push-offs, I would like to say I moved about 3 minutes faster swimming than last time. My total transition time was 4:01 minutes, this is 2:14 minutes faster transitioning. I was exactly 6:18 minutes faster biking. And finally, the biggest improvement was 8:38 minutes faster running.
All this for a total improvement of 20 Minutes and 10 Seconds faster than my first triathlon. Only 5 minutes shy of my original goal.
My next goal is to finish 10 minutes faster than this last triathlon. Again, I have a feeling the largest improvement will come from running - I'm seeing an orthopedist to get rid of some knee pain problems I have been living with for a while. Free from pain, I will be able to train a lot harder and move a lot faster.
Training Log Graphs:

Thats pretty awesome, congrats!