38.6mi. 2hr 28min 18sec. HRavg=167 Max=188. AvgSpeed=15.3mph. TopSpeed=28.3. 1hr 28min HR>168bpm. BAM!
On Wednesday I went riding with a group in Hastings in an effort to get out of my dorm room. It's probably the best time outside of clinic I've had since I've been here! Fun group of people, too bad I didn't meet them 6 weeks ago. Weekly rides at 6PM leaving from the museum. I've attached a couple pictures of the ride and other rides from around Hastings.
Coming up on my last week in Hastings Nebraska at Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital. My rotation here has been in the Med/Surg, Progressive Medical, ICU, Oncology, and Acute floors of the hospital. I've seen a lot (of bowel movement), to say the least. It's been a good learning experience, trying to keep up with the patient load and the pace going from room to room with evals cropping up faster than the freaking corn in this state!

It's an 8 week rotation and I'm one week away from the end. I have 2 more rotations starting in October and January - 12 weeks each. The 8 weeks away from home have been a drag. I miss home, the dog, cat, garden, civilization, etc... Pics of the dog and cat while I'm gone doing silly things. Here they are on the right. She woke up one morning and they were both staring at her. The other picture is the cat taking the dog bed, and the dog wanting to play. I wish I could have been there to see it! 7 days from now I will be home again, then back on the road. I'm not already packed to leave Hastings NE (YESIAM).
The end of this rotation marks the beginning of the last academic semesters of my career! A few weeks on, comps, and a few weeks off, last two clinical rotations, portfolio, research, big exam, then gainful employment as DPL DPT. There was a goal about that I wrote about when I started this blog. See
Goal #1, 10/7/2007 10:49PM. 1 year away from something I've spent several working for!
And now for the Hastings Nebraska picture slide show for your viewing pleasure. I want to start with a picture I call IRONY:
Neighborhood Watch. Wait... WHAT? This was on a bike ride. 8 miles from nothing in any direction along the side of highway 281. All that's missing is a scarecrow (unless someone stole it).
A picture from another part of town. South side of town. Paul's House of Pancakes on the right, dust and corn on the left.
Found this monolith on another ride. It has nothing to do with 2001, technology, or intelligence. A big stupid rock, 15 miles from nothing. #exceptcorn. This monument depicts two brothers riding away from an Indian attack (#cowboysandindiansinreallife). An arrow pinned the two boys together. Then it fell out and they lived. The arrow is ACTUALLY ON DISPLAY at the Hastings Museum next to a gigantic vat of Kool Aid.
This is a picture I took on a ride on the west side of town.
This is a pic of the west side of town.
Here's the East side of town.
That's it. Dust. Corn. Peace out.